24 February 2009

I should be grading projects...

... but I need a break. My undergrad/grad joint class turned in projects today, and I'm trying to get them graded tonight. Three down, two to go. I'm actually pretty proud of them. The undergrads have significantly improved their work (both conceptually and presentationally), and the grads are trying new things. Not always successfully, but I'd rather they try and fail then not try at all.

Also tonight, I need to water the plants (that's the next break, I think), start packing for my trip, read over a couple of letters, do some tidying up around the house, and continue planning for my classes next quarter.

Tomorrow, I get to keep working on some music demos for a new play I'm working on... I'm working on two different ideas - one more classical, and one more modern... I'm pulling for the modern style...

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