27 March 2023

NYC Day 2: Natural History Museum

 Last night was my first night on the sofa bed in the hotel.  It was... surprisingly not terrible!  I slept alright and woke up with less pain than most other sofaabeds. Winning.

We got up and out the door in time to meet B & SZ for breakfast around the corner on Central Park South.  B & SZ are both alums of the UCI sound design program (MFA and BA, respectively), and both also have connections to my Yale Drama (instructor and student, respectively), so we had lots to talk about.  H & S were very understanding and indulgent of our deep nerd-dive, and after we got a few photos in Central Park before we went our respective ways: they to their days off, and us to...

...The Natural History Museum!  It was H's first subway ride (though she'll remind you that she's taken the London Underground, thankyouverymuch), and we had a great time at the museum.  We started in the outer space area, learning about the big bang and the timeline of the universe.

Then, we headed to the minerals and gems room, where we saw some truly stunning pieces.  The entrance to the hall was a 9' tall amethyst geode, which sparkled stunningly and only looks (modestly) like the galaxy in photographs...

When we viewed the cut gems room, H had a separate dance for each beautiful gem she found!

There was a rad touchscreen interactive exhibit where kids could combine elements and isotopes to make minerals.  This occupied her while S and I took in the rest of the gallery.

After space and gems/minerals, we took a break to rest our feet.  Then, it was off to the ocean room (for whales, sharks, seals, and polar bears)...

And then to the dinos/vertebrats/mammals room. There were some stunning skeletons of all sorts of animals, from huge titanosaurs that spilled into second rooms to cute teeny pterodactyls with a 10" wingspan.  

This turtle is happy to see you.

This goat/ibex/deer/demon is not.

We stayed at the museum until it closed and then took the subway (H's first transfer!) to August, a restaurant on the upper east side.  It's original location was in soho, and when S and I live here, we had a way-too-expensive-for-our-budget first-anniversary dinner here.  Since then, it moved to the UES, and we had a nice nostalgia evening with H for dinner.  H was tired and bit of a grump, but we all had a (mostly) good time.  

After dinner we had a 15-minute walk back to the hotel in the drizzle.

My feet hurt!  Blisters, shin splints.  Lame.  I iced them and then I read half a chapter to H before putting her to bed.  Tomorrow's another day!

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